Youth is an age that has his own greatness, according DR.Yusuf Qardhawi like the sun then a young age is like 12 hours when the sun shines the brightest and most panas.Pemuda have more physical strength and morale when compared with small children or elderly people . The young man has tremendous potential, it can be said like dynamite or TNT when diledakan.Subhanallah.
History proves that the youth was also instrumental in kemerdekaan.Dimana course, in any country's independence had never escaped from pemudalah pemuda.Karena role of the most vibrant and ambitious struggle for change towards more baik.Hasan Al Banna in Egypt, the movement of a character once said, "In every revival pemudalah pillars, each thinking his banner banners pemudalah raiser." So also in the history of Islam, many youths who accompanied the Prophet in berjuangan like Mushaib bin Umair, 'Ali ibn Abi tholib, Ayesha dll.Waktu that many still aged 8 , 10 or 12 tahun.Dan ages diremehkan.Mereka it can not have a significant role in perjuangan.Maka than that if you want Indonesia to be better then that's the main improvement is in the hands of youth, it will be straight from the improvement of youth and of the hand youths.
Youth have many potensi.Akan but if not done coaching sebaliknya.Potensinya happened was not excavated, his spirit weakened or, worse yet he uses the potential for things that are not good example etc. brawl.
Again, age and youth is a great figure but not all great young men. Great young man who is the youth who BA B: What is BAB?
DARE TO DREAM and intends B.
How can we as youth can move forward if the dream is just not berani.Impian ideals bermimipi so brave, how can the value of nine in a practical examination, if bermimipi nine digits in report cards just do not dare, how can the value of nine when his dreams ( his ideals) can only be the value of nine 6.Kalau want it impikanlah sepuluh.Saya values can certainly be 10.impikan course, only 10 do not think 9.8 would cause much less 5.Impian intention, the intention would lead to the attitude, the attitude will lead to attempt to realize ideals. And dreams will lead to the spirit, the spirit is like a fire that will set off an explosion outside biasa.Maka potential let us have dreams, obsession and ambition POENYA TASTE hehe cool terms like aja ad.
Intentions. Intention alone can not dare bagamana berbuat.Niat just started now, but a good-baik.Sabda Prophet, "everything that depends niatnya.Pemuda must have the intention.'s Intention to grow in charity seriousness, seriousness in thinking and steadfastness in the face of obstacles . Intention is perfect because God's intention with the basis of faith. Rasulullah said in a hadith of Umar ibn Khatab that whoever emigrated for Allah and His Messenger, hijrahnya to Allah and His Messenger, who emigrated to the world that he was looking or a woman who will marry the hijrahnya to which he intended. With God's intentions because we'll get the blessing from his God willing.
Youth is not a great young man who said, "My dad the police are pretty, no funny stuff with me" or "rich dad, I asked for anything would be obeyed." Not like that, but he is superb and is high-minded young man who said, "this self" or "being me with all its deficiencies" ice nasyidnya coustic.Pemuda kayak is a great young man who does not brag about achievements of his father, uncle, mother or other another. They realize, if they are aware of their father that police cop's father was not me, their father klo officials realized that their outstanding achievements father opened me I had to create his own accomplishment.
Be they young people who self-reliant, with the independence that he was encouraged to not rely on anyone but God, he became a tough, she tried to push himself to be better from day to day until finally he can change his environment. He became a confident young man.
If you already have a dream and believe in their own abilities then the next one is ready action.Yup do, dare to do the actions of change.
Changing yourself by controlling the passions, seeking knowledge, improve ibadah.Berani try for a victory without fear gagal.Ingatlah that failure is success tertunda.Thomas alpha Edison discovered the light bulb in the experiment to 14 000, meaning he has failed in the experiment 13 999 , but he did not menyerah.Berani try, how likely would win a race when trying to register the race just did not dare. Courage to start. Getting started is a difficult thing some people say, after which it will run lancar.Maka we must dare to begin, although difficult to try first, God willing, the next berhasil.Mulai from small, wants to clean up the garbage Yogya? We begin by taking out the trash on tempatnya.Tidak need to be delayed from now on, no need to wait for other people from themselves.
Courageous acts are demonstrating our consistency in what we believe, we are dreaming of Indonesia impikan.Kita be better then a brave act for such repairs in accordance with our creativity is a great thing. From that small is no problem. The important thing is we berani.Tatap world, confront, do not bersembunyai, do not just talk but act, beramal.Kita show that our youth, we are not stationary but moving towards a more baik.Bahwa improvements we do not sit down, but we have less to berjuang.Talk do more.
We are the friends of youth, the future of the country there is in our hands, change is in our hands let us seek knowledge, foster self diligently with the school, participating mentoring to strengthen confidence, and then joined the study in order to foster healthy physical and we can kuat.Agar managing and changing the future.
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