Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Between Heart and Liver sheen Rustic

Rustic? Do you know the word "carat" or if you have studied physics or chemistry sure you'll find or hear the word "corrosion"? nah! Words rust and corrosion are two different words but have the same purpose. Maybe you've seen a kind of metallic iron, steel or anything that is rusty. Effect of rusted metal in overlong time will cause the metal to the dogs which eventually will be a metal powder. Now try you back flashbacks of the event, it still has the original metal form but because it forms the metal eventually metamorphose into splinters. Similar to our hearts.

Do you know what things that can make our hearts rusty? If we look at the rusted metal of course the things that make this metal is rusted air and water, while the things that make our hearts rusty water and air but not the omission and sins. Why negligence and sin makes our hearts rusty? Because of the sins of omission and can reduce and weaken a person of faith and piety. Also, carelessness and sin that continues to be, can melenakan us to always remember Allah SWT and carry out his commandments so that it can make our hearts rusty due to too many times we do fail and sin.

Sheen? Do you know the word "sheen"? sheen is a light so blinding. Have you ever seen a diamond or a gem? Well! Usually said with gleaming set of diamonds or gems. If you've never seen a diamond or diamond. What if I invite you to remember something. Have you ever seen one commercial about shampoo? nah! was where you'll find the word "sheen". It's sheen is a favorite event for many oaring with whatever sheen make recreate it to be beautiful even if its form is not beautiful. Similar to our hearts.

Do you know what things that can make our hearts glow? If we look at diamonds or gems or items made from glass sheen GCC certainly things that make a gem, a diamond or items made from glistening glass is often the goods are treated, maintained and cleaned with rubbing to cloth or whatever can clean it so that makes those goods into glittering, while the things that make our hearts our hearts glow is often treated, maintained and cleaned with a sentence seek forgiveness, and dhikr. Why seek forgiveness, and dhikr sentence makes our hearts glow? Because the sentence seek forgiveness, and dhikr can add and strengthen the faith and piety of a person. In addition, sentences seek forgiveness, and dhikr constantly beristiqomah dilafadzkan and can be done to always remember Allah and carrying out His commandments so that they can make our hearts are always shiny and gradually became more sheen if we always look after, maintain and clean it with a sentence seek forgiveness, and dhikr.

Did you know that will benefit you get when your heart is always shiny? The benefit is that you will avoid acts prohibited by Allah SWT, patient and steadfast in the face of life, can reduce the emotion in the face of anyone who does err towards us so that we easily forgive anyone who apologizes to us, etc. . Anyway there are loads deh we can get the benefits of heart sparkle.

Now those of you who choose to live, want to make your heart rusted or make your heart glow?? All the answers there in your heart and your own self because everyone has different answers. Hope can be useful and immediately you can take your choice so do not be late to make your heart rusty or shiny.

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