Rabu, 19 Mei 2010


Who is better in religion than those who surrender themselves to God and he is the person who did good again he wholeheartedly followed the religion of Abraham (upright)
(Q. S. An-Nisa [4]: 125).

God made life as a test. It can be seen from his words in the letter of Jonah [10] Paragraph 7 and the letter of al-Mulk [67] Paragraph 2. Based on these two verses, we can know that God makes this life as a test with the purpose of whether man can fill his life with good deeds-deeds. The man who managed to become the best people are those most most obedient to Him.

Life is a test, only people who really have strong faith that can pass this exam well. They are people who are not fooled by the glow of delicious world so tempting, people who understand the nature of this worldly life in accordance with what Allah and His messenger to teach. They memndang seisinya world and is nothing more than a game that is often neglected, they are not proud and arrogant with wealth and children that is owned. If they have been embedded within these traits, they are people who ascetic.

PIETY a nature that should be owned by any person claiming to believers. PIETY also should be a Muslim lifestyle whenever and wherever it is located. PIETY not leave the pleasures of the world, does not mean wearing shabby clothes, and it does not mean poor. PIETY also does not mean just sitting in the mosque, praying and praying alone without doing any other activities kegaitan. PIETY is our ability to keep the heart from temptation and deception of the world without leaving the luxury. In a broader sense, an ascetic wisdom of understanding what makes someone has a particular view of earthly life, they keep working and trying, but it did not possess worldly life tendencies led him to leave his heart and not a second God-thing. We do good righteous, prosperous of the earth and bermuamalah, but at the same time our hearts are not deceived. We are fully convinced that life akhiratlah which became the main objective.

Through a short hadith Rasulullah SAW has provided guidance for those who believe in facing life of the world: "Be ye in the world like a stranger or a wayfarer." (Bukhari). Apostles not only gave orders, but he also pointed directly to his people how to live in the world, ie each step movement of hope will always lead to the good pleasure of Allah. Everyone agrees that he SAW is the figure most diligent work and work salih. No one is able to emulate his zeal in conducting worship, but he ne was guaranteed to go to heaven. On the battlefield, he was a staunch jihad, always accompany the troops, and even on the front lines. Not just sitting behind a desk give orders. The most amazing thing is he lives a very simple and unpretentious.

Once Ibn Mas'ud r.a. see the Prophet slept on a worn mat to the extent mat woven pattern imprint on his cheek. Then Ibn Mas'ud offer him a mattress. What the apostle answers? "For what the world is! My relationship with the world like a rider who stopped for a moment under the tree, then go away and leave." (Reported by Tirmidhi).

The simplicity of this apostle of life really exemplified by his companions. Abu Bakr ash-Shiddiq, Usman bin Affan and Abdurrahman bin Auf only a handful of examples of Companions of the Prophet which have abundant wealth, but only a fraction of the wealth that they enjoy themselves. Mostly they use for propaganda purposes, jihad FII sabilillah and help other Muslims. Even Abu Bakr never say your prayers to God: "O Allah, make the world in our hands, not in our hearts." In addition, nine of the ten companions of the Prophet which have been guaranteed to go to heaven is to include people who are rich. But at the same time they too ascetic, no property boasting of his wealth. They are diligent good charity to poor people or for propaganda purposes.

Examples of simple and humble life as practiced by the Prophet SAW and his companions were already very rare to find in this day and age. Most Muslims are now trapped and lulled by the sweet world of deceit, greed on the lives of the world even sometimes willing to justify any means to obtain the wealth that is only temporary. Such a thing just like what is being done by infidels, as described by Allah in the letter Muhammad verse 12: And the Unbelievers Oran was having fun (the world) and they eat like animals. And hell is where they live. (Q. S. Muhammad [47]: 12).

People who have more wealth, sometimes reluctant to release his brother's rights contained in the property wealth. Even if it was only a very small charity and it will still be accompanied by words indicating ketidakikhlasan heart. They proudly say it is the result of a self.

Is another phenomenon that occurs among adolescents, lifestyle and glamorous hedonists have strong embedded within them. Although the wealth that they use rather than the result of his own toil, they were proud and arrogant. Lectures are not cool if it does not use fancy cars, clothes and other accessories worn are not willing or embarrassed if the price is cheap. Most of the teenagers are now more proud to live by westernized style where boundaries are not to be lawful and unlawful reference.

Some examples at least give us that moral damages Muslims today have reached a stage which is very worrying. View of the material dominates in almost all fields of life. Lifestyle of the Muslims especially the youth hardly at all reflect the attitude of Islam especially ascetic, even their attitude was no different than how the unbelievers behave. If collected between Muslim youth and non-Muslims in a place will be very difficult for us to tell the difference. Our society manganggap measure of success is only based on how much the assets owned and used as fancy as what accessories. So do not be surprised if our societies are competing to be a celebrity, selling and self esteem for the sake of material gains alone.

Love the world and the greedy treasure is the most dangerous diseases. Not an overstatement to say, all forms of crimes against the world comes down from the greed and materialism lifestyle. Free sex, baby selling, drugs, gambling, usury, corruption, corruption and other criminal acts and all forms are always closely related to wealth and material greed. Prophet warned about the danger: "Two hungry wolves sent to the goat is not so dangerous than the greed of someone tehadap wealth and position." (H. R. Tirmidhi).

Therefore, it is very important for us to be aware and revive yourself with our brethren on the nature of the world and the hereafter. Faith towards the end of the day is a principle that must be constantly reminded and instilled in our hearts, so the motivation and purpose of our lives in accordance with Islamic values and can cultivate our ascetic attitude toward life of the world. Because of where the tip of the base of all the virtues and vices. The stronger the belief someone to the end of the day, the more calm he looked at life. Conversely, the weaker a person of faith against the Day of Judgement, he will automatically make people greedy and easily fooled by the sparkling beauty offered by the world.
"O God make the world in our hands is not in our hearts"

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