When adversity comes, change restless heart, here and there as if looking for something missing. Blood pressure rises, the blood flowed irregularly, pressing hard into the brain to make it hot, then settles in the chest pressing the lungs until breathing was heavy, irregular heartbeat, chest thump behind the blood pressure. Meanwhile, the cold sweat froze, and my whole body ached. Increasingly heightened emotions, with a keen eye and attention swirling around the minds of all kegundahan pile.
Every person must have experienced difficult times in life. Sometimes it's difficult to make someone frustrated, upset, stress, panic, hopelessness and other negative attitudes. But this only happens on most people who live far from the guidance of Al-Qur `an. Guide them away from the Qur'an easy to cause them anxiety, tension, and anger. They go through life with the burden of mental problems and tremendous pressure weight, so keep them away from the happiness of life.
A believer is different in addressing the various difficulties of life that dihadapinya.Mereka understand that the difficulty or exam given by God in order to test His servants. And they know that trouble was made to distinguish between those who truly believe and those who have the disease in his heart, to those who are not sincere in their belief of their faith. Therefore, examinations or present difficulties in our lives will show who we really are. God explains through his word, that He would test the man to see who truly believe.
"Did ye think that ye would enter paradise, but God is not real for those who strive among you, and not real people who are impatient." (Ali Imran: 142)
"Allah will not let people who believe in the circumstances you now, so he put aside the bad (hypocritical) than good (believers )...."( al-Baqarah: 179)
When reading the translation of the verse, should further increase our awareness that this life really is filled with various problems and difficulties. Because this world is Darut Taklif, referring to the place of loading. No one is free from problems during their life in the world. And really lose people who dissolve in sadness, grief long it will be increasingly difficult to deal with problems themselves. Only with the courage to stand up and be patient, it would seem easy difficulty. Blessed are those who can be patient in facing every hardship, because God is with those who are patient.
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