The initial triumph of Muslims as a turning point in history starting from the first generation under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad SAW especially after doing migrate from Mecca to Madienah.
The main lesson from the trip Hijrah of the Prophet and his companions, namely the process of laying of the embryo of an entity civilization. This can be seen by doing three strategic steps as the main foundation which later became the principle in the formation of a prototype of the Islamic community. Three strategic steps are:
First: Building a Mosque (Masjid Quba Rayon First build ', then build the Masjid Nabawi Al-Sharif) in Madienah as the first building in the minutes of prophethood. Prophet optimize the function of the mosque not only as places of worship mahdah course (praying, reading the Quran, zikr, i'tikaf), but also as a place of various activities keumatan / ghairu mahdah which functioned as Ma'had: dawah centers, centers of education and teaching ; as a court: a place to bring the parties to the dispute and where problem solving; where Muslim soldiers gathered before the start of the struggle, where a strategy of war; information center and information to the public; center of social activities, economic and political; where deliberation. This shows that the mosques in Islam has a mission that can be manifested in various aspects in order to establish an Islamic life.
Second: Developing brotherhood (ukhuwwah) between Muhajirin and Ansar, so there ijtima'i takaful (social security, solidarity, sepenanggungan, mutual-help). Saw Rasululah Brotherhood is built on the basis of religious brotherhood, fraternity based on tribal replace running before that. Through a spirit of brotherhood, the Prophet managed to build a city within an entity Madienah a peaceful, secure, equitable and prosperous, whereas previously there has been very fierce conflict which lasted very long (approximately 120 years) between the two tribes (qabilah) is large in Madienah qabilah wear and Khazraj. The existence of social trust from the community to Muhammed Madienah that time, has successfully led the effort to build loyalty in public;
Third: Develop an agreement (dustur) with the signing of the Charter as a regulatory governance Madienah plural life both among the Muslims (Muhajirin and Ansar) on the one hand and between the Muslims with the other peoples (including Jews) in the other party to explain the various rights and obligations as citizens. In the context of the current constitution, the Charter Madienah is a political document of the constitution. Recognition of the diversity of the various groups and the community component is very visible in the constitution. Explicit mention of Jewry as well as many other tribes who have an obligation to maintain security Madienah from outside attacks, has brought the realization of security and political stability Madienah. We can listen to that substantially, Charter Madienah has summarized the various principles and high moral values such as justice, leadership, consensus, equality, fraternity, unity, independence and religious tolerance, peace, mutual help and defend against the parties who abused. The Constitution is the proclamation of the birth of a State and Government, which stated that the right leadership authority given to the Prophet Muhammed.
Thus the Prophet is also the Head of State and Heads of Government. Not every prophet and messenger of Allah Ta'ala sent direct rule and became Head of State, but the Prophet Mohammad is the leader of the movement and political leaders based on Nubuwah and Minutes. Subjects had received from Allah Ta'ala is intended to regulate all aspects of life. Madienah government that stood in comparison with that adopted by the Persians, Romans, Ethiopia (Habsyah) and others at that time is a good modern governance in the Act, the social system and community as well as in form or arrangement.
Under his leadership and the models noble Prophet Muhammad, although he was not the original Madienah, but because he personally has no credibility and a strong commitment to make a change and renewal, so he managed to conduct a structural and cultural transformation in building toward Madienah that emphasizes moral values; uphold the rule of law as well as more open through the politeness in politics. Efforts to build synergy in the work he did as well, so terjalinlah togetherness in achieving unity among stakeholders. We can see in history, that the strong commitment of the Prophet Muhammed was subsequently also get strong support from the public. The third foundation that built this shows us that the Prophet is concerned with the spirit of building unity of the various components of a pluralistic society (plural) in building Madienah city.
Thus the concern of Islam to civilization, we can also see the strong correlation between the terminology of civilization with morality, where morality is a primary mission of the Message of Prophet Muhammed to the earth. This is, as he spoke through a few of them Bukhari hadith, Ahmad and Bayhaqi from Abu Hurairah that: "Innama bu'itstu li-ma Utami makarimal morality, (" Truly I (Muhammad SAW) of Allah Ta'ala sent to perfect morality "). With Thus, improving morality also means building a civilization of Islam.
Islamic civilization that built the Prophet is a civilization that gives grace, compassion, peace to all of nature, not only humans, it will be but the whole creation of Allah Ta'ala than humans also feel affection. It is quite corresponds with one understanding of Islam that is Silmun (peace).
Mercy and compassion that was built by Islam, as confirmed by the Al Quran Surah Al Anbiya verse 107: "And We sent thee not, but to (become) a mercy for the Worlds.
We'll find three very impressive terminology, when a civilization dikonstelasikan in the frame of Islamic system, where the third term has a very strong correlation between each other. Third Term is Dien, Madienah and tamaddun.
In ethimologis, Dien by Munawar Kholil is mashdar from Dana-Yadiinu verb, which means the mode; Indigenous habit; Culture; Regulations; the Act; obedience or compliance; Meng-esakan Allah; Judgement; calculation; Court; Day of Resurrection; Day justice; Advice, Love, Obedience, Religion. Meanwhile, according to Al-Attas, Dien meaningful keberhutangan; arrangement of power; legal structure and the human tendency to form a society that abides by the laws and seek a fair government. That is, in terms of Dien was hidden a living system. Therefore, when Dien named Islam's Allah has perfected and implemented at a place, then the place was named Madienah. From the root word of this Madienah Dien and then formed a new madana root word, which means build, build cities, develop, refine and memartabatkan.
Civilization is built on Madienah Prophet we can see from his visionary attitude that has foresight in the formation of Islamic civilization that is done Nomenclature changes Yathrib became Madienah by Muhammad with the development concept and clear value.
If we see, that is ethimologis Madienah a derivative of the word in Arabic which means: (a) The town is in Greek called politica policy and became the foundation said policy or politics in English For (b) is also a derivative of Madienah madaniyah tamaddun words and meaning Civility and civilization or civilizations. Adjective of Madienah is Madani, then sivilized sociaty or civil society in Arabic can be called Mujtama 'Madani (civilized society). Thus, Madienah a state which was established to build a new civilization is the civilization of unity. History has recorded that Madienah standing on a foundation of openness and tolerance attitude high, where these two things are important in shaping the essence of a civilization which has been proved by the history of the struggle of Muslims. Thus, tamaddun a noun derived from the root word which means literally madana civilization (civilization).
In the context of migration, civilization also has a strong correlation with the values contained therein. According to Shariati Ali, the word pilgrimage comes from word of Hajar Muhajir as do the people who do migrate, where migration has a sense of transition from savage to civilized life and from unbelief to Islam. In the language of his own mother, Hajar name means "city", which symbolizes the civilization. In this context, we can see a very strong historical correlation between the civilization that once built Prophet Ibrahim As (Hajar's husband, and father of the Prophet) and his descendants, both in Mecca (Bani Ismail) and in Palestine (sons of Isaac) with civilization that was built by the Prophet Mohammad in Madienah which then radiated to the whole world.
The third holy city has crocheted a very strong historical roots of the values that have been carried by Rabbani of the noble Prophet and Messenger, where every move has ever done is a crime for the good of the movement from backwardness to a civilization.
By listening to the meaning of the three terms above, then we can see a complete circuit between input, process, output, impact to the benefit of which Islam is the chosen of Allah Ta'ala as Dien is a tremendous input regal for the life of His servants. Input was then manifest when the Islamic system grounded in Madienah under the leadership of the Prophet that the next stage has been successfully produced (output) of a civilizations (tamaddun) great Islamic whereby impact (impact) are able to illuminate the countries in almost all parts of the world, where the parties are not only Muslims but non-Muslims will be even able to retrieve the value of benefits (benefit) from the rule of the Islamic system in the face of this earth.
History has proven that with the coming wave of Islamic civilization has really become a factor causing the fall of many civilizations that existed at the time among the Romans. This is strong evidence that Islam as a Deen which produces tamaddun be accepted by nations other than the Arabs. Among the main factors was that Islam brought an orderly system of life and dignity, and teaches the doctrine of universal equality (egalitarian) between people, which it has been able to bring prosperity and welfare of the community.
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