Maybe for us who do not like kgiatan gossip / gossip like that bertanya2 orang2 why are so many who actually like bgt hal2 odorous gossip like it .... yaaa ... may have very terbiyasa krn slain with it and less understanding about religion, perhaps because they are men who really could be affected by the surrounding ligkungan .... for example if someone all get along with very mengemari orang2 hal2 who like it, at first he did not walawpun like the things mentioned above, but it is possible dkemudian day he would like hal2/kegiyatan2 ikut2 like that ...
Slain, the media had become one pnyebab sbenarnya why gossip / ghibah be like the culture has been deeply .... Liat aja example; mulay of many really layanan2 sms that provides services to gossip / celebrity news of the latest dr ... halaman2 magazine / tabloid antecedent issue2 fill with cheap plus important about the seleb ga ... dtambah lg, dr morning till mulay afternoon, many television media radio n gossip about celebrities who present either outside mawpun celebrity celebrity MLP own country when it hal2 jelas2 non weighted, only mnambah sin and membuang2 time ...
Why gossiping gossiping alias alias berghibah was no weight ...? Yes iyaaaalaaaah .... Emang what it benefit us? What's going to be one tickler when we come out on the test / exam / test? What we Taw with the latest gossip that makes us become broader science pngetahuan
Continue ... kok gossip gossip aka aka berghibah could add sin ...?? yaaa .... because it's gossip byasanya ga cuman enough byasanya one time .... n we are continuously gossiping terbiyasa with n so that our own sampe2 ga also aware that we who do it sdh including gossiping .... and with so ... walawpun eg ghibah sin is a sin, even small, because dlakukan over and over again .... dtimbulkanya very likely a sin far greater than a sin because we mlakukan dtimbulkan major sins once.
Slain's, Word qs Allah in al-hujurat; 12 about the ban berghibah:
"O org2 who believe, avoid kbanyakan of prejudice, indeed some suspicion is a sin and do not find fault someone else, and do some of you wag some else. Like if you eat the flesh of his brother who is dead?" Then you would feel disgusted him. and keep your duty to Allah. Allah is recipient of reconciliation. "
Slain's, Joseph mnurut Qardhawi in "halal and haram in Islam", Ghibah is the desire to destroy people, a desire to sully the dignity, glory and honor other people, when they were not there in front of him. This shows guile, because equal to stab from behind. This kind of attitude one form rather than destruction. Because this means against those who are helpless. Ghibah also called a solicitation damage, because very few people be saved from the reproach tongue and slur.
So, Why gossiping gossiping alias alias berghibah it is a waste of time?
Since ga is useful at all for us ... for example there is the same celebrity opponent who digosipin cinlok maenya swatu MLP movie .... So what? Lha enamored him, why bother qt who ...? Fwd ... for example, a friend said "uh ... the, because of that that yourself that yourself, and that yourself" so ...?? If he Bener emang gt why n if he was likewise ga why ...?? Why would have time to hal2 who ngabisin sia2 like that ... especially if the event pake nyempein / ngaduin someone that was talking to someone that was ... djadikan omonganya materials were equivalent to snitch ... sheep! * or if we've pake brita nyebarin events / gossip to org2
So ... ngabisin doing time for gossiping / berggunjing ...? slain hal2 weighted such that ga, mnimbulkan sin n buang2 time, it also can make the image a good idea of our ga .... yaa .... unless it already is terbiyasa with images "gossiper" aka gossip or the perumpi / ga gossipy and consider images like that is embarrassing image of who / ga good ....
And by avoiding useless ga dr hal2 who like to gossip / talk like that, slain mlakukan collapsible refrain from major sins, Allah aja Hopefully we classify in the group who moved away org2 ga dr perkara2/hal2 useful dsayangi by the gods who pluz in nostalgic heaven .. ..
So, say no to bergossip right now ....!! if not the now, when else ....? until we just do not think about quitting mlakukan sin account after we saw the angel Azrael we want to take a life .....
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