Hooray meet again with you all. Alhamdulillah we stayed together even though only bridged this your favorite newsletters. If gaulislam discussed last week about repentance, it is now a kind of sequel: fetch guidance. Yes, hopefully you can complete understanding before and you all become more insights about Islam. Sip deh!
En Bro Sis, there's one interesting proverb that I have ever got when filling one occasion my book review. Fillers other events that the words convey a pearl: "People who are used to being in the dark, blinding light." I noted in my memory. I write not to forget. This message is very meaningful to me. How had I ever felt, really hard to leave the habit that has been done for years. The presumption is already entrenched on the mind should be forced to change is not easy. I empathize with the friends who still do not want to leave bad habits to change with good habits. It is not easy, but it does not mean can not be altered.
Oya, actually "habit" is neutral lho. Character "habit" is difficult to begin, and it is also hard to stop. Luckily for the already made "custom" good, it would be difficult for him being forced to do "custom" bad. But it need full awareness for the often bad habits, to be forced to do a good habit. He needs a lot of pondering and weighing think and feel.
There are intentions to change, there is guidance
En Bro Sis, people who are always doing sinners are sinners are not necessarily forever. As long as he wants to turn into good, no intention and effort to make it, God willing, there is a way to pick up the guidance. There are interesting stories that need to be an inspiration for us. You know Shaykh ibn Iyadh Fudail? For those who never knew, he was one of the teachers of Imam al-Syafii. Did his past?
Well, here's her story: Fudhail bin Iyadh, during still evil, intended to interfere with a woman beautiful. When you're climbing the walls of her house, suddenly she heard the strains of melodious house window reading al-Quran what means: "not yet come time for believers to subject their hearts the remembrance of Allah and the truth that has come down (to them). "(Sura al-Hadiid [57]: 16)
Verse Fudhail bin Iyadh inner jerk, making silent on the wall. Bin Iyadh suddenly felt paralyzed joints. Then she pleaded with trembling, "Oh my God, my time has come. My time has come. "He stepped down from the wall and walked home with a heart sincerely repent.
Because benighted on the road, bin Iyadh rest in an empty house meets. But apparently, in the old house there is a group of travelers who apparently is also being rested.
"Let's just leave now," from outside the chamber Fudhail heard one of them said so.
The other replied, "Do not, better wait until morning. Because, on nights such as this is usually the Fudhail perform its action. "
Hearing their conversation, Fudhail reveals himself, saying, "I am Fudhail. But never fear, now I have repented and would not rob again. "(Story quoted from Islamia, edition of the April-June 2005)
Pal Muslim youth, many examples in the past that sinners repent of what he did. Not a few companions of the Prophet Muhammad. which originally was his enemy and the enemy of Islam. You know Umar ra? During jahiliyahnya, ie, when not a Muslim, Umar is a hindrance to the preaching of Islam. Beside him, which became obstacles propaganda when it is an alias Omar Abu Jahl bin Hisham. So much so that the Messenger of Allah. pray for God to be strong with the Islamic one of these two men named Umar. Narrated by Imam at-Tirmidzii from Abdullah ibn 'Umar and' Abdullah ath-Thabranii Mas'uud and Anas bin Malik bin Radhyillaahu 'Anhuma, that the Prophet Muhammad. said in his prayer, "Allahummaa, kokohkanlah Islam by one of two people you love most, with Umar ibn al-Khattab or Abu Jahl with (Umar ibn Hisham)."
Want to know the story? Here's brief history: It was narrated by Ibn Ishaq, Anas bin Malik. and Abdullah bin Abbaas ra., that in the middle of the journey to find them, meet with Nu'aim Umar bin Abdullah al-an-Nahlam Adwii, or a man from Bani Venus, or a man from Bani Makhzum, who asked him , "Interlocking where thou, O Umar?" Then answer by Umar with growled, "I'm looking for Muhammad, which have divided our unity, disrupt the tranquility of Quraysh, and denounced religious ancestors. I want to kill him! "
People were then bekata to Umar, 'By God, you're very arrogant, O Umar. What would the Bani Abdi Manaf will let you walk on the earth after you kill Muhammad? What can guarantee the safety of yourself from retaliation Banu Hashim and Banu Venus if you kill Muhammad? "
Umar then said, "According to my observation, it seems you have gone out and left the religion which you have embraced all these years."
The man then replied, "What if I show you something that makes you more astonished, O Umar? Lo and sister-in-law has also come out of religion and religion during this leave you hugs. Your sister Fatima and her husband had become followers of Muhammad. Killing them fairer you first! "
Hearing the news, then by 'Umar passed in a hurry and headed home begegas Fatima bint al-Khattab, his sister. In Fatima's house when it was there that her husband Sa'id bin Zaid bin Nufail and their friends are Khabbaab ibn al-Arat ra. They're listening to al-Quran verses read by Khabbab is from Sura Thaahaa (20). When Khabbaab hear the voice of Omar's arrival, he immediately retreated to the back of the room, while Fatima hide shahifah (PVC) containing verses of the Koran. But when he approached his sister's house earlier, Umar had heard before reading Khabbab and brother-in-law.
"What voice whispers had been heard from you guys?" Asked Umar when it entered the house. "Only just a chat between us," said Fatima and her husband. "I thought you two were out of religion," said Umar again. Then Nufail Sa'id bin Zaid bin Umar who is the sister-in-law said, 'O Omar, what do you think if there is truth in religion than your religion? "
Umar instantly leaped toward his brother in law fell and hit his face to not move and then trampling out loud. Fatima then approached to help her husband and raised her body. But Fatima Umar beat up her lips broke into a wound and blood.
By seeing the state his brother, Omar finally realized and compassion in his heart arose. While Fatima angrily told him, "O Umar, we really have embraced Islam, believe in Allah and His Apostle. Now you can do anything against us. "Fatima then said," O Umar, if there is truth there is in addition to your religion, then testify that there is no Ilaah but Allah and testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God. "
Umar began to feel hopeless, and he saw blood dripping from the lips of his sister. Umar then feel sorry and ashamed for his actions. Then he said, "Give the pages that you read it to me. I want to read what they have taught Muhammad! "But Fatima said," You were unclean. Shahifah should not be touched except by holy people. Wake up and wash if you want! "Then Umar immediately after a shower and it holds shahifah and began to read the contents of the letter Thaahaa (20) from the beginning to read," Bismillaahir rahmaanir rahiim. "Then 'Umar said," The names of good and holy . 'Then he continued reading from verse one to stop at the word of God in verse 14: Innanii anallaahu ilaaha illaa ana laa fa' budni wa li aqimish shalaata dzikrii. Translated, "Verily I am Allah, there is no God but Me, so worship Me and establish regular prayers to remember me."
After reading the verse, inner untouched and Umar necessarily aware that they have read by him unheard. Then suddenly a voice and his attitude drastically changed. Umar then said, "What a beautiful and noble these words! Show me where Muhammad is right now! "
Umar overheard just now, then Khabbaab ibn al-Arat appeared from behind the house and says, 'Receive the glad tidings, O Umar. Because I really hope that the prayer of the Messenger of Allah. It fell on Thursday night to yourself. Quickly, because I faced him, O 'Umar! "
Long story short, Umar Islam directly in front of the Messenger of Allah. At that time, when he got Omar in a room and met the Messenger of Allah., He was greeted by him with clothes and how to hold the handle of his sword, then pull it with a hard tug as he says, "Do not you want to stop the actions, O 'Umar, to reduce the humiliation and God such disasters that struck al-Walid ibn al-Mugheerah? Oh God. This is Umar ibn al-Khattab. O Allah, kokohkanlah Islam with Umar bin al-Khattab. "
Umar then said, "O Messenger of Allah, I came to demonstrate faith in God and to His Messenger, and anything that comes from God." Umar said, "I testify that none but Allah and lo Ilaah you are the Messenger of Allah."
Umar ibn al-Khattab ra is someone who has character and difficult tempramental prevented, so that with him into the most shocking of Islamic polytheists and incised opprobrium for them. Instead, it brings honor, strength and joy for the Muslim people.
Subhanallah. Nothing is impossible. Anyone can be good. Experts can even sinners are turned into good, so even the clergy. In everyday life we can also see one at a time we became good friends. Sepermainan of our old friends did not meet, while meet has changed his appearance. Changed also moral. He discovered the truth of Islam elsewhere. Not impossible anyway?
We are now including the caretaker dawah, may be not a good person in the past. Barriers may actually preaching. A friend once told me that when he was in high school, his principal strongly disagree with the female student wearing a headscarf and veil. Maintained even arguing that he led the public schools, not a boarding school. But when her job moved to another school, there was good news, that now she was wearing a headscarf. Already Muslim dress, and even better to the female student wearing a headscarf and veil.
Yes, this shows that no human ever was in sinners. Not forever continue to sin. There must be time to do good. Provided there is willingness to change, God willing, will receive guidance from Allah. Indeed, if ngikutin lust, it's how hard it is to leave sinners. However, it does not mean have to give up, let alone "remarkably wet." No. Awareness for change is much better and can beat lust. Insha Allah. Believe!
By: HERU Suprianto
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