Selasa, 25 Mei 2010


Say: "Angel of Death, which was given to (take a life) you will kill you, and then only to Rabbmulah you will be returned. (As-Sajdah: 11)

Day after day, month after month, year bulanpun change. Decades ago, this time we are still in the womb of the mother, then born into an adorable little baby, then grow into a toddler's funny, followed by the children, then teenagers, and be like now that is becoming an adult, a parent-child already have children or grandchildren. Because sunnatullah, a decree from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala as time went on we humans surely will turn into an old and then died.

Once a simple description about the human life cycle in the world. In the journey, sometimes there are people who pass through his life until he was an annual one hundred more, 80s, 60s, or an average human being can survive. Some are just enjoying life only half a century. But there was also rare, young, looking healthy and perfect body, not a few who are dying, and the road course in a way different. And many stories about babies who are still in the womb who have not had time to feel alive in the world, and have not had time to feel the warm embrace of his mother, murdered (abortion) by his own mother because her presence is not desired, because of her pregnancy fruit of the forbidden relationship that could bring disgrace to themselves and their families, na'udzubillah dzalik min.

Because death is never chosen us are old or young, still we live panjangkah allotted time has expired or is to tread on this earth. And most people forget about the coming of death, they forget that death is always lurking everywhere. They are forgotten by the hectic world, lulled by the sweetness of lust, blinded with the glitter of wealth. Too busy to desires that we have not accomplished. It is good when it wishes or our ideals is the thing akherat oriented, but most of us dilenakan the desires which are mere superficial pleasures.

To the extent that we forget that the death had reached the eyelid. All-bingarnya deceived by the noisy world. Most of the time of her life used to busy digging here and there, manage and accumulate wealth. And those moments when death is approaching sakaratul he realized how life on earth is very short, and he mourned with sorrow that so when I realized that the old has gone to the rank of affairs, lust and wealth. Stay now await the grim reaper and feel how tortured and ill when sakaratul death. Pain that can not be mistaken for felt very ill.

Some scholars assert that the pain of death sakaratul essentially known only by people who already feel it. People who have not felt it would only be know simply by analogy with the pain ever felt.

Pain sakaratul death plunged straight through the soul itself so that all his organs, the entire network of nerves, all the veins. in the body, even the whole body joints, until the creeping roots of the hair and skin from head to toe

Do not ask her pain. So some people say that the deaths were more painful than the sword, a saw and cuts than scissors bite, because the pain of sword slashes, bites saws, and the like is felt only because of the spirit or soul. How well is revoked if the soul itself? People who cut down the sword can still cry out for help because the remaining strength of the heart and in her spoken. But those who face death sakaratul had lost his voice and his cries, his strength has been weakened, and the energy his body was destroyed. This is because the unfortunate death sakaratul is sometimes too heavy so mastered the liver with a terrible pain that paralyzes the entire body, shaking the whole organ, and weaken the entire inch of body parts, so no more strength left to ask for help.

In fact, reason has been obscured and even disrupted sakaratul also because of the pain of death, while the tongue has suddenly become mute. All members of the body becomes weak. People who are sakaratul death hoping to be able to rest for a moment through the groans and cries of, or through other means. But he was unable to do so. Even if the remaining power, certainly when spirits lifted and removed from the body and voice will be heard gerengan throat and chest. However, when the color of the body has changed and the pain has attacked his whole body, the exterior or the interior. Until finally the black eyes up until it touches eyelids, while the tongue to be drawn into its base and also become stiff fingers.

So, do not be asked again when the condition of the person's veins like a plucked one by one. Each member body then began to die gradually. At first the two legs to cool, then both legs, then her thighs. Each member body experience and the unfortunate death sakaratul pain at the time, until lives up to the esophagus. It was then that his vision of the world and its inhabitants started to vanish, and the door was already closed for her repentance. And stayed deep regret and disappointment hanging himself.

Beloved brother, would not you know that the visit was the grim reaper is definitely something? predestined since the Azali, long or short our life? Do not we realize that we are all just travelers who will eventually be the destination area and left his journey? Do not we realize that the velocity of this life must be stopped, and the rotation age of increasingly closer penghujungnya?.

Do not we realize that after the visit we will not be able to again make a virtue though? we will not be able to pray two rokaat though? We will be unable to read the Koran one ayatpun? We will not be able to celebrate, bertahmid, bertahlil, or beristighfar one albeit. We will not be able to fast one day, or even a continental charity. We will not be able to perform hajj or umra again. Time charity has passed, the left is the reckoning and vengeance against virtues or sins.

Solallahu Messenger of Allaah be upon him said:
"Perbanyaklah ye remember the destroyer of pleasures are: remembering death." HR. Tirmidhi and Ibn Hibban Nisaa'i and menshohihkannya.

My brother ... Which of our preparation to meet the grim reaper? Which of our preparation to face the terrible things after death? In the tomb, when asked by two angels, while in Padang Mahsyar, when the reckoning, as the opening act of charity record sheet, while pursuing Shiroth Ash-bridge, and now stand before God 'Gaza wa Jalla.

In good time, after the prayer, before sleep, when mentadaburi His verses, or at the end of the night when we kneel before Him surrender, ever imagined if only we die in a bad condition, died in a mud puddle disobedience, died in khatimah su'ul circumstances, while we have not had time to repent? and we are ready to bear the terrible punishment of the grave?

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