Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
In today's era of globalization characterized by increasing competition in all fields, is a reality that can not be denied and can not be shunned by every person living in this era. Advancement in information technology and telecommunications, especially electronic media has offered a new idea to the world without taking into account the negative impacts that could impact on the norms of religions and moral human beings.
Insistent promotion launched by various mass media has offered the pleasures of life with a modern style, consumerism and the jet-set (deluxe). Lifestyle that is demanded and pursued by nearly every person as a perpetrator of modern life is a life that is free without limit, both limits ethical decency, morals and morality. Wheel of life that spurred the rapid acceleration up to become hot, as well as tight world of competition, especially in economics and the principles of human needs and desires, has forced people no longer behave and act humanely but with my arbitrarily (arbitrarily own) .
For many people, finding that halalan toyyiban Rizki (halal and good) was almost considered a work in vain. There are opportunities for corruption, collusion, manipulation and the like are milling about in front of the nose, really made their eyes to be "dazzled". Stimulus manipulation and collusion become "fit" when we see an increasingly difficult economic situation lately. Trouble finding jobs, the price of goods that continue to soar and lifestyle to an increasingly sophisticated enough to make most people forget about themselves, a hit here a hit there, regardless of religious norms, which are important filthy lucre (money) can be obtained easily even though the filthy and nefarious ways.
This state in accordance with what has been disyairkan by a young poet in the Age Pagan formerly named Thorofah bin Al-'Abdi: "'sovereign, when you can not satisfy my desire, let me fill it with seenakku own, people will satisfy his lust for life. After I die you will know that we are all thirsty! ". The man who declared himself a "modern" must be a follower of this genre, although not openly proclaim himself, except the people who diperliharakan God from him.
On this, Rasulullah SAW had said:
"Verily for every Ummah there exams, and exams for my ummah is wealth." (H. R. Tarmizi)
"By God, infidelity and poverty is not what I worry over you, but instead I'm afraid you get the luxury of the world as it has given to people before you, and you wallow in luxury for the destruction, as they wander and perish too." (Tarmizi R. H.)
When reminded, either by reprimand, warning that religion is implied or explicit, really comes out of their lips was the word apologia (defense), "Never mind looking for fortune and halal, haram was difficult!", So often leveled. Life is valued only for the moment, they are no longer inspired by the life of the future that is eternal and immortal ukhrowi nan. Those people just appreciate the richness and luxury to all that is associated with humiliation and moral humility. They're going to criticize people who do not participate in the seizure of the material involved no matter how that person is good and noble character.
One Arab poet once said in the Age Pagan: "a slave who DikutukTuhan ideals and objectives of his life just to find food and clothing only." How would (we can not imagine) sendainya poet is still alive until today, where he saw too many people who are competing and berjibaku to not only meet but just food and clothing only better meet the needs of "the luxury of the world" despite the disgusting way and cruel.
Is a scholar who worked at the Ministry of Education and Culture (Department of Education), he is an intelligent and has talent in the world of science and scientific research and has written extensively on popular science magazines. But eventually he moved to the Department of Information and worked as an announcer. When asked why he changed direction, then answered: "Because the new work promises a bigger salary ...".
Ironically, a religious teacher who was much admired and has successfully organized the book "Islamic Mysticism" that it received an award from The 'Alim' leading cleric. But suddenly he moved to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and became the interpreter (translator) Arabic in order to pursue additional higher salaries.
This all indicates that the material is above everything and has become something that determines the purpose of life that affect ways of thinking and acting in total, no longer as a means and tools to achieve those life goals.
When disobedience is becoming a habit (even have become a pleasure), especially if it's not an apology (defense) and legitimacy (justification) that became the mainstay. A series of disgusting words will slide with his swift and eloquent from the lips of those who automatically become good at speaking like a quack on the street pavement. "I do not you just accept gifts of people ... Anyway ... I did not force Khok! Well .., I'm just a bit, babe-babe tuh see our failure by more." And when reminded, it is wrong and forbidden by the proposition: "People who bribe and are bribed, both of them go to Hell." They replied again: "But I do so 'right to spend their child-wife ..., do not spend Soleh family also includes a charity?".
Naudzubillah min dzalik!
That man who has been attacked by disease Hubbud Dunya (World Love), at first simply to enjoy, was increasingly becoming, in the end become an ideology that will be defended to the death. They simply oriented to money, opportunity, and have fun. This is a bit of a lifestyle of hedonism (just search for worldly pleasures only) and materialism (the only important matter alone) who was swept our society and the people who lived in the late 20th century this. So if this is not conscious and aware to the public will be throwing the society that Dehumanis, Apathy and hedonists.
That's the kind of human being ridiculed by Allah SWT in his Word:
"And if We pleased, We exalted rank of the verses, but she tends to the world and low desires, then the imagery is like a dog. If you menghalaunya, held out his tongue, and if you let it, then extended her tongue as well. That is the likeness of those who reject Our Signs. Then tell them stories that they think ". (Surat al-A'raaf: 176)
They think humanity is a commodity that no longer needed. They shouted: "Do not worry about tomorrow, live only for today, do not perdulikan others, which reinforces self-important. Make yourself popular even though you are stupid and let their flock in the shoelaces knelt wealth and your power." That's the lifestyle of the face of the materialistic world.
They deny the Hereafter, as pointed out in Al-qur'an:
"And they say:" Life is nothing but life on this earth, we live we die and nothing but time to destroy us ", and they never did not know the knowledge about it, they are nothing but just guessing . (Qur'an: 45:24)
A Muslim should be taken into account human beings, good quality, professionalism, and acumen with reason and spiritual, not to be reckoned with because often make mischief and trouble everywhere.
Wealth and power is important for a Muslim, more due to finance and support the Jihad Fi Sabilllah (Fight in the Way of Allah) and became a weapon to subdue kejahiliyiahan, not for personal or group interests but rather for the interests and Benefit all Muslims wherever located. Because of a Muslim by another Muslim who is bersudara. A Muslim man must appear as a figure out the best in every corner of life (bud Khairu Ummah).
Akhirul Qalam ..., author of intestate to ourselves and our readers and I hope we all avoid dissociated from the things and attributes mentioned above, as well as our descendants, relatives and siblings as well as our close relatives. Amiieeen ...
Wabillahi Taufik Wal Hidayah, Wassalamulaikum Wr. Wb.
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