Praise be to Allah the Worlds Wed, shalawat and greetings may remain devoted to the Messenger of y, and his family, friends, and people who still uphold the minutes istiqomah brought up to the end of time ..
O l of the Muslims .... God has bestowed various privileges and virtues to the people. Among the privileges of the day is Friday, after the Jews and the Christians turned away from him.
Zmeriwayatkan Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of Allah said:
"God has turned the people before us to make the day Friday as they feast, and therefore the Jewish feast day was Saturday, and holidays are Sunday Christians, then God gives us guidance to make the day Fri 'at the feast, the feast that God made sequentially, ie Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And on the Day of Resurrection they will follow us like that order, although in our world are the inhabitants of the latter, but on the Day of Judgement later we are a leader sequence that will decide the case before all creatures ". (Narrated by Muslim)
Al-Haafiz Ibn Katheer said: "This day is called Friday, because meaning is derived from the word al-jam'u meaningful associations, because the Muslims gathered on that day every week on the couch wide meeting. God commanded l His servants are faithful gather to perform worship to Him. God l said:
"O ye who believe, when summoned to prayer on Friday, then hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave the sale and purchase. That is better for you if ye but knew." (Qur'an 62:9)
That is, you go to perform Friday prayers with great calmness, concentration, and all my desires, rather than walk by quickly, because walking quickly to prayer is banned. Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: By Allah, I really do not mean to walk quickly, because it is clearly forbidden. But he was told was to walk with full humility and passion in all my heart. (See Tafseer Ibn Katheer: 4/385-386).
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah said: Friday is a day of worship. Today is compared with other days of the week, like the month of Ramadan compared with other months. Efficacious time on Friday as time on the night of Laylat qodar efficacious in Ramadan. (Zadul Ma'ad: 1 / 398).
Friday virtue
1. The Best Day
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger y z bersabada: "The best day where the sun rises on that day is Friday. On that day Adam was created, inserted and removed from her heaven. And Judgement will not occur except on Friday
2. Efficacious time to pray there.
Abu Hurayrah said: the Messenger of Allah y z said: "Surely there is time on Friday when a servant efficacious Muslims perform prayers to God and beg something at that time, Allah will grant it. Rasululllah y signaled with his hand describing at least this time (H. Agreed Alaih)
Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziah - after describing the differences of opinion about when that time - said: "Among the many opinions there are two of the most powerful, as demonstrated in many authentic hadith, the first time preacher seat until the completion of the prayer. Second, after Asr, and this is the strongest opinion from the two earlier opinions (Zadul Ma'ad Volume I/389-390).
3. Alms on that day compared to more mainstream charities on other days.
Ibn Qayyim said: "Alms on that day than any other charity in six days like alms during Ramadan than other months." It was narrated from Ka'ab z explains: "And alms on that day more precious than the days in others". (Mauquf Saheeh)
4. L day when God appeared to His servants who believe in Heaven.
Companion Anas ibn Malik, z in commenting on the verse: "And We have pertambahannya" (QS.50: 35) says: "God revealed himself to them every Friday."
5. The big day is repeated every week.
Z Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger y says:
"Today is a great day that God set for the Islamic ummah, then who wanted to attend Friday prayers must shower prior ......". (Narrated by Ibn Majah)
6. Today abolition of sins
Salman Al Pharisees z said: Prophet y said: "Anyone taking a bath on Friday, purification according to ability, smoothed her hair, put perfume and went to mosque, and enter a mosque without stepping between two people for the path, and then pray according to guidance and be quiet when priests berkhutbah, would be forgiven for his sins in between the two on Friday. " (Narrated by Bukhari).
7. People who walk to Friday prayers will be rewarded for each step, the reward equivalent to one year of worship prayer and fasting.
Aus ibn Aus z said: Prophet y said: "Anyone taking a bath on Friday, then hasten off to the mosque, and occupied the leading contingent then he was silent, then every step that he's swinging the reward of fasting and prayer for one year, and It is easy for Allah. " (Narrated by Ahmad and Sunan Ashabus, declared saheeh by Ibn Huzaimah).
8. Died on Friday evening or afternoon is a sign Husnul khatimah, that is exempted from defamation (punishment) grave.
Narrated by Ibn 'Amr that the Prophet y said: "Every Muslim who died on Friday afternoon or evening, Allah will save him from the grave slander." (Narrated by Ahmad and Tirmidhi, assessed saheeh by al-Bani).
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