The title of this article with respect to one of the Five Pillars of Faith is faith in the End Times. Because of our faith on the final day includes faith in the various signs that will accompany it. To obtain precise information regarding this matter is no other source except the Quran and Hadith Rasululloh Saw. Doomsday (end times), which is one phase of the Final Day, when the time of occurrence, no one knows except makhlukpun only Allah Ta'ala alone:
- In the Qur'an Surah Al A'raf (7) of paragraph 187 of Allah Ta'ala says:
"They ask thee concerning the Hour:" When will it happen? " Say: "Verily the knowledge concerning it, is on the side of my Lord, no one can explain his arrival time but He. Judgement is very heavy (civil haranya for beings) are in the heavens and the earth. Judgement will not come to you but with the sudden arrived ". they ask you as if you really know about it. Say: "Verily the knowledge of nautical Hour is with Allah, but most people do not know '
- In the Hadith of Muslim History and Ibn Majah, affirmed that the angel Gabriel did not know about it, saying: "Who asked about the apocalypse does not know better than to ask".
- Just in general there is an explanation Rasululloh Saw that the timing of the Hour were very close. This, as narrated by Sahl ibn Sa'd ra, he said: I heard the Prophet said as he motioned with his index finger and middle finger, 'When I sent (a messenger) and when the Day of Judgement is like this (hint nearby Resurrection of time)' .
With the love of Allah Ta'ala on Muslims at the end of time, Allah Ta'ala through oral Rasululloh Saw has informed that towards the Day of Resurrection will happen some event which is a sign that would accompany it:
- The first sign of Resurrection is the Message of Prophet Mohammad;
As mentioned in the Qur'an and other hadith, before the coming end of time, the world would be filled with events that are defamatory. Defamation in understanding the emergence of the various trials and tests. Allah Ta'ala in the Qur'an warns us with:
"And guard yourselves from the punishment (libel) which specifically does not befall people who do wrong Just between you. And know that Allah is strict in punishment. " (Surat al-Anfal (8): 25).
While many mentioned in the Hadith about many kinds of slander that will happen. Among these slanders are:
- "Haste you do good deeds before the coming of defamation, which the calumny was like pieces of the pitch-black night. Early in the morning, a still believed, but in the afternoon had become an infidel and afternoon someone still believed, and then in the morning had become infidels "(Narrated by Muslim: Faith Kitabul no. 269)
- "It will not arrive until doomsday many earthquakes" (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Fitan (XIII/81-82, Al-Fath))
- "Some of my people are blessed, they are not brought to account and not tortured at all in the afterlife, who had endured torture is murder, earthquakes and slanders" (Narrated by al-Hakim);
- "It's among the signs of doomsday is rampant .... sudden death" (Narrated by Bukhari).
- Regarding the large number of signs of Judgement as mentioned in the Hadith, which consists of 10 signs: The exit of thick smoke; The emergence of the Antichrist; emergence reptiles; The rising of the sun from its setting place (West); drop 'Isa Ibn Maryam; exit of Gog and Ma 'JUJ; Three immersion of the earth in the East, in the West, and in the Arabian peninsula, as well as a fire exit from Yemen that will drive people to the place where they were gathered.
- "Verily, there is no slander in the face of this earth since Allah created Adam's offspring so that doomsday arrives something greater than slander Dajjal" (Narrated by Muslim).
But amid the occurrence of various waves of calumny and end times are going to happen, there are glistening hope of a promise from Allah SWT which will berjayanya Islam and return to organize the life of his people towards a civilized world and is filled with rahmatan lil 'alamin. Behind the occurrence of various libel was, in the end the Muslims would feel "happy ending". Can we see the promise in the Qur'an Letter An Nuur (24) verse 55:
"And Allah has promised those among you who believe and do deeds of pious that he was really going to make them powerful in the earth, as He has made the people before they come to power, and indeed he will confirms for them the religion that has blessed him to them, and he's really going to switch (state of) them, after they were in fear of the safer Sentausa. They still worship Me with not ascribe anything with Me. And whoever is (still) disbelieved after (we promise), then they are those who rebel. "
When interpreting the above verse, Ibn Kathir explains that this is a promise of Allah to the Prophet, that Allah will make the people of Prophet Mohammad as the leader in the face of this earth, and nations will be subject to the Muslims.
As explained in the Hadith about the promise of Allah Ta'ala on the people of Prophet Mohammad at the end of the age that is awarded his "leadership, and leaders."
(A) the global nature of leadership award
That is going to erect a running back on the Caliphate prophetic method as that never materialized during Khulafaur-Rashideen. This is as stated in the following hadith:
"It is the period of Prophethood was in the middle of the middle with you all, there is the will of Allah, then Allah lifted it when he wants to pick it up. Then is the period which covered trail prophetic Khilafah (Caliphate 'ala minhajin nubuwwah), the existence of Allah kehandak. Then Allah lifted it (stop it) if he wants to pick it up. Then is the Kingdom of the bite (Mulkan 'Adldlon), there is the will of Allah. Then Allah lifted it when he wants to pick it up. Then was the king of the Kingdom of the swank-force / dictator (Mulkan Jabariyah), there is the will of Allah. Then Allah raised it, if he wants to pick it up. Then is the period which covered trail Prophethood Caliphate (Khilafah 'ala minhajin nubuwwah). "Then he (the Prophet) was silent."
Through these hadith we can see a Grand Design of Allah SWT with respect to tidal periodicity leadership system that occurred among the Muslim community accepted since the time of Muhammad until the end of the prophetic era, where the Grand Design of Allah SWT has been, is and will be completed in five periods :
Second term I: The Age of Prophethood which started from the nubuwah ended with the death of the Prophet Muhammad;
Second term II: The Age of the Caliphate Rasyidah (Khulafaur-Rashideen: Abu Bakr ra; Umar ibn Khatab ra, ra Uthman, Ali ra);
Period of the Three: Age of empire that bite (Mulkan 'adldlon) which is the era libel: commencing Daulah Daulah Umayyads until the end of the Ottoman Empire (661 AD until 1924 AD)
Fourth Period: The Age of the royal dictatorship (Mulkan jabbariyyah): Daulah Ustamaniyah began after the fall of 1924 in Turkey.
Fifth Period: The Age of the Caliphate that runs on top of the prophetic way of life (rasyidah Khilafah 'ala-nubuwah minhajin). Age is the last period which will be experienced by Muslims at the end of time and after that there is no period thereafter, it is marked by silence Rasululloh Saw after the previous stage clearly describes the periodicity.
The shift system continues, in which patterned dictatorial style of leadership that began to be abandoned by men because all supposed bertolakbelakang with Human Rights (HAM) to shift the system of strong democracy with secular values and liberal as the fruit of the capitalist system promoted by the United States and Europe is currently implemented in many countries around the world.
Will the implementation of the democratic system it is a process of scenario to Allah in the lifting phase to phase-IV is to end the dictatorship (Mulkan jabbariyyah) as has been mentioned by the hadith above, which then precisely will be the trigger of an acceleration period promised by the Prophet regarding the establishment of re caliphate system that runs on top of the prophetic way of life? Only time will answer later, because only Almighty Allah alone is omniscient when it will come true momentum.
Therefore, there is no other periods are we waiting for this moment other than the Fifth Period of ruling upholding the leadership of the Khilafah according to the practice manhaj nubuwwah and popularizing among the apostle returned sunnah of mankind, as history has proven that 4 (four) previous period, namely: Period of Prophethood; Period Khilafah; Period Period Kingdom of the bite and the Kingdom of the dictator has taken place in the range of past history. As that has not materialized is the last period of the establishment of the Khilafah back standing on manhaj (system / road) prophethood.
Will uphold the system back Caliphate in the Islamic world is also one important point from the prediction made by an American institution (NIC). This is seen in a report released in December 2004 by the National Intelligent Council (NIC) which is a United States National Intelligence Council. In a report titled "Mapping the Global Future" The four scenarios predicted the World in 2020:
1. Dovod worl: "Described that 15 years into the future of China and India will become an important player in world politics and economy."
2. Pax Americana: "The world is still led by the United States with his Pax America."
3. A New Chaliphate: "The establishment of the re-Caliph of Islam, an Islamic government that is able to provide a global challenge to the norms and the global values of the West".
4. Cycle of Fear: "'The emergence of a cycle of fear', in this scenario of an aggressive response to the terrorist threat led to violations of rules and accepted security system, the result would be born to the world 'Orwellian' future when humans become slaves to one and three authoritarian state ".
Shifting control of the leadership of the world into the hands of Muslims, making Islam the religion will spread all over the world. This is as defined in the following hadith:
"Affairs (Islam) is really going to achieve what is achieved by night and day (ie, worldwide), and Allah does not leave a house even in the face of this earth, both houses in towns and houses in the village (population of nomadic), except Allah will put them in this religion, with the glory of a noble or despicable baseness people. The glory with which Allah glorify Islam and opprobrium with which Allah humiliate infidelity "(Narrated by Ahmad, Ath-Thabrani, Al Hakim, Ibn MANDAH and Ibn Hiban).
(B) Gift of the birth of a leader
That is, with the emergence of a leader of Muslims in the entire world, known as the Mahdi's call:
"The Sa'id Al Khudri ra, the Prophet said: 'I convey to you the glad tidings with the advent of Al Mahdi who will be sent (to the middle men) at the time of the deviation (divisions) between fellow human beings and the occurrence of various kinds of shocks / disasters (jalajil), he will fill the earth with fairness and justice as before the earth is filled with persecution and kezhaliman. All the inhabitants of heaven and earth blessings (liked) to him, and he will distribute wealth with 'shihah'. Then there was someone who asked him: 'O Messenger of Allah, what is meant by shihah? He replied: 'distributing wealth equitably among the people'. And then he says, 'And Allah will fill your heart with the wealth of the people of Muhammed (satisfaction) and spaciousness because the justice that includes them, so he ordered that a caller to call and say:' Who is still needed treasure? ', Then no one is standing request unless a single person. He said, 'I'. Then Al-Mahdi said: 'Come ye to guard the treasure (treasurer), in one called khazin history, and told him that Al-Mahdi ordered you to give property (money) to me.' Then the steward said to him: 'Take the treasure (with a second coverage hands)! '. So that when the property had been on him and he was sorry. He said: 'I am truly among the most greedy among the people of Muhammed or I'm not able to do what they do than help myself.' Then he said: 'I will return this treasure,' then he (Al Mahdi) did not receive it back , and he said to him: 'I will not take back something that has given me', he cried in such circumstances. Condition (where Earth is filled with honesty and justice) will occur during the 7, 8 or 9 years old, then there is no good to live again after that or say there is no good life afterwards. " (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Hakim;
Abu Ya'la, in the Book 'Muntakhob Kanzu'l-Ummal, works Muttaqo Al Hindi, Sixth Volume, pp. 29, also mentioned in Musnad Ahmad 3:37).
Above hadith explains that the Al Mahdi as Khalifatulloh who will lead the Muslim world will appear at the end of time, precisely at the time of occurrence of various conditions of strife / discord and dissension among the fierce internal Muslims. The second condition is at the time of occurrence of various kinds of shocks / natural disasters. Two of these conditions, is the trigger to accelerate the emergence of Al-Mahdi who would become caliph (leader) of Muslims.
Deviation condition (split) and al-jalajil (various kinds of shocks / natural disasters such as earthquakes) as narrated from Sa'eed Al Khudri ra above, so if dikonstelasikan with the current situation, in fact the two conditions have actually been and are being we feel together. Internal strife among Muslims is often the case, especially with the emergence of various schools and claims that pose as the Prophet. Not to mention the emergence of different groups of Islam through the network to outsmart the true source of Islamic law has been clear, as the Liberal Islam Network (JIL), which often ulahnya confuse Muslims.
Likewise, changes in weather and natural conditions, where the issue of Gobal warming (global warming) has become a major issue worldwide. Global warming as an excess of human evil act that has been destroying the natural ecosystem implicate order a large order of increasing intensity of natural disasters in each hemisphere of the earth wherever located both on land, sea or air. So that global warming is happening now which is a great global warning (warning comprehensive) of the Supreme Owner of this universe, Allah Ta'ala for the behavior of His servants who have exceeded the limit in the exploitation of nature, especially the attitude of opposing and challenging as well as away from the guidance His shari'ah, thus no longer a blessing for all who came down from the sky and out of the earth, but disasters keep coming catastrophe after another.
"Verily, Al Mahdi is a normal human being who Allah honored with two properties, namely the nature Qiyadah (global leadership, where he was able to lead the world) and the nature hakimiyah (justice, where the rule of law ditegakannya). Allah gives clarity of heart and mind for the realization of peace on earth "(Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood; Judge; Abu Ya'la, in the Book 'Muntakhob Kanzu'l-Ummal, works Muttaqo Al Hindi, Volume VI).
"If the world only lived a day, Allah would lengthen that day until Allah sent a man away from me, or my family, whose name is the same with my name and his father's name with the name of my father" (Narrated by Ahmad and HR. Abu Dawud in his Sunan David Abi 11: 370).
Based on the above hadith, the name of Al-Mahdi, who will become a leader of the Muslim world is Muhammad bin Abdullah.
Concerns Western people, non-Muslims will be the emergence of a leader among the Muslims that we can see from their remarks:
- An Englishman orientalist named "Montgomery Watt" who writes in "London Time" in 1968, said: "If you've encountered a Muslim leader who (really) worth has become Muslim and capable, it is likely that religion will rise again, and is a a major political force in this world once again. "
- Former prime minister of Israel, "Ben Gurion" once said: "The most frightening fact is that in our Islamic world has born a new Muhammad."
During the later Islamic leadership, golden times, peace and prosperity will be realized on this earth. This is as explained in the following few hadith:
- From Jabir ibn Abdullah, ra, said: Rasullulah Saw said: "In the last period of my Ummah will be no caliphate is handing out countless treasures with the dead" (Saheeh Muslim, Kitabul Fitan wa Asyrathis Sa'ah 18: 38-39).
- Reported by Harithah bin Wahab, that he heard the Prophet said: "A great deal will give alms, because human beings will experience a period when that person walked to bring alms, but no one is willing to accept them" (Narrated by Bukhari)
- "Then my people will be blessed, the number of animals increases and the soil will produce a variety of fruits" (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Al-Mukhtasar Qawl address `fi Al-Mahdi Al-Muntazar, pp. 26).
- "It will be good life after a decline in Jesus Christ, what a good life after a decline in Christ Jesus. To the sky is permitted (by Allah) to bring down rain. To the earth is allowed to grow crops. If you sow the seeds into a rock, undoubtedly will grow a crop. At that time there was no hostility, envy and resentment among others. A man will go through a lion without getting hurt at all. A man will step on (accidentally) a snake without getting the slightest harm. At that time there was no hostility, envy and hatred among fellow "(Narrated by Abu Bakr Al-Anbari, Ad-Dailami, Abu Sa'id and Mrs An-Naqasy Muhib Tabari. Otherwise saheeh by al-Albani in Saheeh Al-Jami 'Ash-Shaghir no. 3919 and Genealogy of the Al-Hadith ash-Saheehah no. 1926).
- "When Gog Ma'juj go, people live in great pleasure and in fertility over 20 years. A pomegranate should be carried by two people. One bunch of grapes must be transported by two people. They live in an atmosphere like that for 10 years. Then Allah sent the fragrant winds that do not let the Believers, but he grabbed his life. After that humans lived mingle (with the opposite sex) in public places like a donkey. Finally Allah brings His adzab, and Resurrection, they're doing is like that. "(Narrated by Abu Na'im al Hafidz).
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