Ibn Abbas ra. was one of the Companions of the Prophet SAW is very painstaking in maintaining and servicing the Prophet SAW, where he had specifically prayed for the Prophet SAW, other than that at the age of 9 years of Ibn Abbas had memorized the Quran and has been the imam at the mosque. One day he was asked by the Tabi'in (the generation after the death of the Prophet SAW) concerning what is meant by happiness of the world. Ibn Abbas replied there are 7 (seven) world happiness indicators, namely:
First, Qalbun syakirun or heart always be grateful.
Having a soul means always gratefully accept what is (qona'ah), so there is no excessive ambition, no stress, this is good for the heart is always grateful. A very smart intelligent grateful to understand the attributes of Allah SWT, so whatever he is given God's gift and even enchanted with God's decision.
When in difficulty and he immediately remembered the word of the Prophet SAW, namely:
"If we're hard to consider a person who is more difficult than we." When you're given the ease, he was grateful with emphasis on charity worship, then God will test it with greater ease. When he remained "obstinate" by continuing to give thanks that God will test it again with even greater ease.
And blessed are those who are good thanks!
Second. Al azwaju shalihah, namely a pious spouse.
A pious spouse will create an atmosphere of home and family as well as pious. In the Hereafter a husband (as the family priest) will be held accountable in taking his wife and children to kesholehan. Blessed to be a wife if you have a pious husband, who would work hard to bring his wife and son become a pious Muslim. Similarly, a pious wife, will have the patience and sincerity in serving exceptional husband, despite how bad her husband's behavior. So blessed to be a husband who has a pious wife.
Third, al auladun Abrar is child Soleh.
When Rasulullah SAW again thawaf. Rasulullah SAW met a young child who bruised his shoulder. Once completed thawaf Prophet asked the young man: "Why is your shoulder?" The young boy replied: "O Messenger of Allah, I am from Yemen, I have a mother who had udzur. I really love him and I never let go of him. I let go of my mother only when defecating, when praying, or when a break, besides I always carry the rest. " Then the young man asked: "O Messenger of Allah, if I was included into the people who are already devoted to the parents?"
The Prophet said, embracing the young man and said: "It's God's blessings to you, ye children Soleh, a filial son, but my children know, love your parents will not be avenged by you." From the hadith is that we get an idea of our deeds are not sufficient to repay the love and kindness of our parents, but at least we can start with a child who Soleh, where the prayers of the pious child to the parents God granted guaranteed. Blessed are we if you have a pious child.
Fourth, albiatu sholihah, ie an environment conducive to our faith.
What is meant by a conducive environment is, we may know anyone but to make it as our best friend, should be the people who have added value to our faith. In a hadith, the Prophet encourages us to always hang out with people who are pious. Pious people who will always take the good and reminds us when we do wrong.
Pious people are those who are happy because of good faith and the blessings of Islam who always radiated the light of his face. Insha Allah it will come shining light those who are nearby.
Blessed are those who are always surrounded by people who are pious.
Fifth, al malul halal, or lawful property.
Within the Islamic paradigm of wealth is not wealth but many halalnya. This does not mean that Islam does not tell people to get rich.
In Muslim history in sadaqoh chapter, the Prophet SAW never met a friend who raised their hands to pray. "You have a good prayer," The Prophet said, "But unfortunately the food, beverages and clothing and we get it unlawful residence, how his prayer was granted." Blessed be the one to treasure kosher because God answered her prayer is very simple. The property will also keep kosher demons from his heart, the heart increasingly clean, pure and solid, giving the peace in his life. And blessed are those who always carefully guard his treasure halalness.
Sixth, Tafakuh fi Dien, or the spirit to understand the religion.
Embodied the spirit of understanding religion in a spirit of understanding the Islamic religious sciences. The more he learns, the more he was stimulated to learn more knowledge about the attributes of God and His creation.
God promises blessings for his people studying, the more he learns more and more in love with him to his religion, the higher his love for God and His apostles. Love is what will give light to his heart.
Understand the spirit of religion will "live" her heart, the heart of "life" is the heart which is always filled with light and delicious favors the Islamic faith. And blessed are those who fully understand the science of the spirit of Islam.
Seventh, namely baroqah age.
Age-baroqah that means grew older age pious, that every second is filled with deeds. Someone who fills his life for the happiness of the world alone, then the old days will be filled with lots of nostalgia (daydream) about his youth, he also tends to be disappointed with ketuaannya (post-power syndrome). Besides, his mind focused on how to enjoy the rest of his life, then he himself was busy dreaming of the pleasures of the world that he could not feel, his heart was disappointed when he was not able to enjoy the pleasure of diangankannya. While the people who fill its age with many preparing for the Hereafter (through deeds), then grew older he longed to meet with the Maker. Days filled with parents making out with The Most Gracious. There is no fear of leaving this world, even he felt hopeful for the immediate next life as the natural beauty which God has promised. This is the spirit of "live" people who baroqah age, so blessed are those who age baroqah.
Thus the messages from Ibn Abbas ra. on seven indicators of happiness of the world.
How do we whom God has given to the world's seven indicators such happiness? In addition to our efforts to improve themselves, seek Allah SWT with as often and as Khushuu 'broom may read the prayer `universe', that is most often the prayer is read by the Prophet SAW. Where the first line of the prayer "Rabbanaa aatina fid-yaa dun hasanaw" (which means "O Allah, grant me happiness of the world"), has a meaning that we are being asked to God to the world of the seven indicators of happiness mentioned by Ibn Abbas ra, that is the heart which is always gratitude, which Soleh spouse, child Soleh, friends or environment Soleh, the lawful property, the spirit to understand the teachings of religion, and age baroqah.
Although we admit it is difficult to get seventh is in our grasp, at least if we get some alone we're grateful.
As for the continuation of such prayers broom universe that is "wa fil aakhirati hasanaw" (which means "happiness and well Hereafter"), to obtain it only by the grace of God. Everlasting Happiness is not heaven but the grace of God, love of God. Paradise is only a fraction of the grace of God, we go to heaven not because we Soleh charity, but because the grace of God.
Amal Soleh we do throughout our lives (though every day of fasting and night prayer) is not enough to get a ticket to heaven. Charity Soleh as perfect whatever we do all our lives are not comparable with delicious paradise promised by God.
The Prophet said, "Amal Soleh do you do you can not enter into heaven." Then the companions asked: "What about you, O Messenger of Allah?". Prophet replied: "I was Amal Soleh also inadequate." Then the companions asked again: "Then by what we get to heaven?". The Prophet again said: "We can go to heaven only because of grace and goodness of God alone."
So our prayers, our fasting, our taqarub to God is not to heaven but to get the grace of God. With the grace of God that we get the paradise of Allah (God willing, Amiin).
Source article: Ustad lecture Aam Aminudin, Lc. in Sapporo, Japan,
abstracted independently by Mr. Tata Asep Permana
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