"Behold, I am Allah, there is no God (which haq) than me so worship me and establish regular prayer for My remembrance" (Taha: 14) based on these verses, it can be in the know that the purpose of prayer is to worship Allah meingat. In addition, God also has made dhikr as cover all types of worship, where if we have finished working on a worship service will close with the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala.
"And when ye have accomplished your prayers remember Allah standing, sitting soften, and at the time lying down, then when you have to feel safe So establish prayer was (as usual). Indeed it is the obligation of prayer at specified time for the people who believers "(An-Nisa: 103).
We have often heard and read these verses and we find a substance which states that the purpose of various kinds of worship is to remember Allah. However, nature is a substance that has been missing from our front, where the devil is always trying hard to ensure that the essence is still missing from before us, so we will always be in kelaleian and the game world. But thanks to the grace of God, and praise belongs only to Him, the essence of it has been shown to us then why we do not want to remembrance?
"The likeness of a man who remembered his God with people who do not remember God is like the people who live with people who are dead" (Bukhari).
True, remembrance of Allah Ta'ala show live or at least someone's heart. Therefore, whoever does not remembrance to the Lord, his heart was dead. If we are given the option to choose for sure we will choose the hearts of the living and happy, but there are some secrets that we need to know, whether we currently have remembrance of Allah?
By sticking to these answers, we will become regular. Make zikr as advice which is placed in front of our eyes. Our remembrance of Allah Ta'ala will surely our moral order. We celebrate the praises of Allah Ta'ala we will undoubtedly be a regular worship.
Finally, let us round the garden of remembrance, fresh air inside and enjoy the flowers inside. I ask God that He may make us as one who, when listening to words, we will follow the words of the best.
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