Every servant of God who walked on a straight manhajnya who tried to emulate the life of the Prophet and his companions ajmain certainly are looking forward to the final sequel. God has set signs dintara signs that khatimah Husnul
First, say the creed when his death sentence
Messenger of Allah said: "whoever is at the end of the sentence to say" La ilaaha illallah "And he entered into heaven" (Narrated by al-Hakim)
second, when the death of her forehead sweating
This is based on the hadith of Ibn Khasib Buraidah is Buraidah first when in Khorasan, to see his brother who was ill, but found he had died, and visible on his forehead sweating, and then he said, "Allahu Akbar, indeed I have heard the Messenger of Allah said: Death of a believer is by sweating forehead "(Narrated by Ahmad, AN-Nasai, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, Al-Hakim and ath-Thayalusi from Abdullah bin Mas'ud)
third, died on Friday night
This is based on the word of Allah "It is not a Muslim, who died on Friday or on Friday night unless surely God spare him from the punishment of the grave" (Narrated by Ahmad)
fourth, were martyred in the battlefield
Concerning this Allah says:
"Think not of those who are slain in Allah's death, even those living beside his Lord with a provision, they are in a state of joy due to the grace of Allah which He has given to them and they rejoice with those who remained behind the have not followed them that there are no concerns about them, nor shall they grieve. They rejoice with Grace and bounty from Allah and that Allah will not waste pahal people who believe "(Ali Imraan :169-171) The hadeeth of Allaah be upon the Messenger of Allaah with regard to this problem is very often found which are as follows:
1. Messenger of Allah said:
"For the people who were martyred there are six features are:
his sins forgiven, since its first blood spurted, saw his place in heaven, protected from adzab tomb, and secured from major catastrophe, felt the sweetness of faith, is married to an angel, and allowed for 70 people memeberikan syafa'at relatives "(Narrated by at-Tirmidhi , Ibn Majah, and Ahmad) 2. A friend of the Prophet
said: "There was a man came to the Prophet and said: O Messenger of why the believers have their dikuburan defamation except martyrdom? He said: Suffice it to face glitter of the sword above his head as slander"
(Narrated by an-Nasai)
It can be obtained as long as demand is martyrdom really comes from my heart and filled with sincerity, kendatipu he did not get a chance to die a martyr in the battle. This is based on the word of the Prophet: "He who begged to die a martyr to God earnestly, God will deliver the degree of the martyrs even if he died on his bed" (Narrated by Imam Muslim and
fifth, to die in battle Fisabilillah There are two hadith the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon:
1. Messenger of Allah said: "What are you katagorikan as a man who died a martyr among you? They said: O Messenger of us as the person who died as martyrs is who SJA slain in Allah. He said: Then my ummah who died as martyrs are very low. The Companions asked again: Then who are from those who die a martyr, O Messenger of Allah? He said: "He who killed the way of Allah, who die fighting in Allah, and who died of cholera, who died of stomach disease (ie due to disease attack the stomach such as starvation, diarrhea, or the like) then he is a martyr and the people who drowned was he a martyr "(Narrated by Muslim, Ahmad and al-Bayhaqi)
2. Messenger of Allah said: Whoever comes out the way of Allah and then die or killed so he was martyred. Or who was slammed by a horse or camel and died or bitten by poisonous animals or dead on his bed with any death of the will of God, and he made him a martyr and Paradise "(Narrated by Abu Dawood, al-Hakim, and al-Bayhaqi)
sixth, the death caused by cholera.
About this hadith the Prophet meriwayatkannya many of them as follows:
1. From Hafsa bint Sirin that Anas bin Malik said: "How Yahya bin Umra die? I replied:" Because the disease cholera, "he said: Messenger of Allah has said: cholera disease was the cause of martyrdom for every Muslim" (Narrated by Bukhari, ath- Thayalusi and Ahmad)
2. Aisha asked the Prophet about the disease cholera. He replied: "It was formerly the cholera disease is adzab which God inflicted to anyone who desired him later he made as a mercy for the believers. It is not an epidemic of cholera-stricken servant and he settled dikampungnya with patience and know that it will not happened to her except what God has set his reward people who were martyred "(Narrated by Bukhari, al-Bayhaqi, and Ahmad)
Eighth, died by drowning.
ninth, to die because of falling debris / landslides.
Evidence from two points above are based on the word of Allaah be upon the Messenger of Allaah: "The martyrs were five; people who died from an outbreak of cholera, due to abdominal pain, drowning, falling rubble, and the martyr's fight in the way of God" (HR.Imam Bukhari, Muslim , at-Tirmidhi, and Ahmad)
Tenth, the woman who died in childbirth.
This is based on the hadith reported from Ubadah ibnush Saamit quoted anhu that the Messenger of Allaah Allaah be upon Abdullah bin Rawahah see who can not get out of bed, then he asked: "Do you know who the martyrs of the ummah? The people who have replied: Muslims have been murdered "He said: If that's the martyrs of the ummah is minimal. Muslims who have been killed is a martyr, and died of cholera is a martyr, as well as women who die due to childbirth is a martyr (his son, who will pull the cord to heaven) "(Narrated by Ahmad, Darimi, and ath-Thayalusi) according to Imam Ahmad no such transmission through channels other isnaad in his Musnad.
eleventh, burned to death.
Twelfth, died of stomach edema disease.
About this second lot of history, and the most famous is the Jabir ibn Atik
marfu ': "The martyrs are seven: be slain in Allah, because cholera is a martyr, a martyr's death is drowning, because malnutrition is a martyr, because of stomach illness poisoning is a martyr, because burning is a martyr, and who died from falling debris ( building or land
landslides) is a martyr, and the woman who died when pregnant is a martyr "(Narrated by Imam Malik, Abu Dawud, al-Nisaa'i, Ibn Majah and Ahmad)
Thirteenth, die from the disease tuberculosis (TB).
This is based on results of the word of Allaah be upon the Messenger of Allaah: "Death is the martyr in Allah, and women who died while giving birth center is a shahid, a martyr's death because the fire is, death by drowning is a martyr, died of TB disease is a martyr, and died of stomach disease is
shahid "(HR.Thabrani)
Fourteenth, to death for defending property from robbers.
In this case a lot of hadith, including the following:
1. "Everyone who died for defending his property (in another narration; He who demanded his property is confiscated and he was killed) was a martyr" (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, an-Nisaa'i, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and Ahmad )
2. Abu Hurairah said, a man came to the Prophet and said: "Yes, Messenger of Allah, let me how if there is someone who is coming and will take my treasure", he replied: 'do not you give' He asked, what if he killed me?
He replied: You were martyred. The man asked again, What if I kill him?
His answer: he go to hell "(Narrated by Imam Muslim, Ahmad and an-Nisaa'i)
3. Mukhariq said, a man came to the Prophet and said:
"There was a man about to take my possessions, he said: Remind him of God. People were asked: if still will not make dhikr? He replied:
Ask for help people around you in mengatasinya.Orang asked again: When I found no one around me? He replied: Give and ask for help to penguasa.Ia ask: If the authorities place it far from me? He said: berkelahilah in defending your wealth until you die and become a martyr or prevent your possessions taken away "(Narrated by al-Nisaa'i, and Ahmad)
The fifteenth and sixteenth, die in defense of religion and the soul.
In this case there are two versions of the hadeeth as follows:
1. '"Whoever killed in defense of his property he will die a martyr, and anyone who died in defense of his family he will die a martyr, and any who die dlam order to defend religion (belief) he will die a martyr, and whoever is dead maintaining blood (soul) so he shahid "(Narrated by Abu Dawood, an-Nisaa'i, al-Tirmidhi, and Ahmad)
2. "Those who die in order to claim his rights he will die a martyr" (Narrated by al-Nisaa'i)
Seventeenth, died in the vigil (watch) the way of Allah.
In this case there are two hadith from the Messenger of Allaah peace and blessings wasslam:
1. "Guard-guard (guard) the way of Allah day and night is better than fasting for a month by establishing a (prayer) at night. If he dies, then drain amalannya reward the former does and also earn and secure from the punishment of the grave (libel grave) "(Narrated by Imam Muslim, an-Nisaa'i, Tirmidhi, Hakim and Ahmad)
2. "Every person who died will be concluded amalannya except those who die in the streets Alllah precaution, then amalannya developed until Judgement day arrived and awakened from the grave slander" (Narrated by Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Hakim, and Ahmad)
eighteenth, the person who died while working on pious deeds.
This is based on the word of Allaah be upon the Messenger of Allaah: "Whoever said 'La ilaha illallah' with the hope to the good pleasure of God, and at the end of his life to say it, then he will go to heaven. And, anyone who expects good pleasure of Allah fasting a day later to end his life with it (fasting), he will enter Paradise. And whoever charity seeking pleasure of Allah and wrap with a (charity) and he will enter Paradise "(Narrated by Ahmad)
Lord of tammat walhamdulillahi alamiin. Hopefully, God made the end of our lives and put it in Husnul khatimah among those who were martyred amen.
quoted from the book "Complete Guide to Managing Bodies" p. :52-55 AD Nasir al-Albani, Gema Humanities Press, Jakarta, 1999
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